Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Shelf Corporations

Shelf Corporations are the ultimate wealth building tool if you are looking to buy a business, grow a business or invest in real estate. Shelf corporations are also known as seasoned corporations and aged corporations. These pre-established companies open the door to business loans no matter what your investment criteria is when seeking funding.

Shelf corporations with corporate credit allow you to access financing if you have a clean and responsible credit history. Why is a clean personal credit history so important? All though a corporation can obtain stellar corporate credit on its own, its always important to maintain a healthy personal credit history because when you are seeking business loans from banks, the financial institution who will facilitate the business loan whether you are personally guaranteeing the loan or not will require that you have a clean credit history and a strong credit score. They will scrutinize your credit history to see how well you have managed your credit life and if you haven’t been responsible with it, it will stop cold your business loan/s.

Business loans have different lending guidelines than their counter parts in the corporate credit arena such as the credit card programs and vendor trade credit that people confuse real live cash funding with. Business financing does require you to have a clean credit history. Your past will come back to haunt you if you have derogatory items on your report. At the end of the day the lender doesn’t care that you went through a rough spot in life. They only see the derogatory items on your report and will not move past that. Once they seen your report and they turn you down you will not be able to see that particular financial institution for another six months. That’s why it’s important to put your best foot forward when seeking a business loan.

We encourage our clients to clean their credit before buying a shelf corporation, we will never submit a file for funding if the borrower has derogatory items on their report. For the majority of our clients they are very receptive and adamant about cleaning their credit. From time to time we get those who do not like to hear the truth about their poor credit and will continue to shop them selves around until they hear “yes we can fund you” only to be turned down later.

When seeking financing your score will play about 40% of your approval process but it’s the other 60% credit history that will weigh in that will determine if you meet their guide lines. We had borrowers that had 700+ fico scores but their credit history wasn’t up to par with our preferred funding institutions. Both components of your credit file play a big roll on your financing. So before seeking funding it’s best to know where you stand on your personal credit. We can evaluate your credit report the same day you submit it to our company for review.

We encourage you to monitor your credit through services like It’s free for the first 30 days then small nominal charge every month their after. It’s worth it to use the services on monthly bases for the rest of your life. uses the experian score system which is about as accurate it’s going to get when it comes to monitoring your credit online. The other two bureaus do not have the best scoring system in place and their scores tend to differ significantly.

Although you will not know your true fico score until a lender pulls your credit report. Don’t wait till the last minute when receivables dry up and your need to keep you business afloat. Our services are for those who care about building wealth by being proactive about their credit history. Shelf corporations with corporate credit are powered by

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